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Management of Human Potential

A empregabilidade geral do ISG, considerando o número de diplomados entre 2004 e 2015 é de 95,6% nos cursos de 2º Ciclo (Mestrados), com base nos dados da DGEEC.


PhD Casimiro Ramos


PhD Leonor Almeida

We have been witnessing over the years the constant changes in socio-demographic patterns and, with it, the radical changes that companies are having to make to meet rapidly changing consumer demands. It is, therefore, increasingly relevant to note how companies are dealing with these situations through the management of their most precious resource: Human Capital. Furthermore, as companies that want to increase their competitive advantage, they are putting additional emphasis on systematic processes of assessment and management of human capital


Evening classes

Duration / Credits

300 Hours / 120 ECTS

Reconhecimento e Reestruturação Curricular

As estruturas curriculares e os planos de estudos Mestrado em Gestão do Potencial Humano constam do Aviso n.º 11035/2011, publicado no Diário da República, 2.ª série, N.º 96, 18 de Maio de 2011. Mestrado acreditado pela A3es até 2022.

This course will give students the capacity to develop a global vision and integrated skills to manage human capital. In addition, they will be presented with a set of tools and techniques critical for the management and efficacious appraisal of personnel. The combinations of these factors will give the students the necessary competence to plan and develop suitable projects for companies to optimise the human component in entrepreneurial and organisational management.

Hence, the principal objectives of the Master’s in Management of Human Potential are:

  • Study of the most recent models of strategic management
  • Acquisition of new models of assessment
  • Distinguish between different strategies of management
  • Learn and develop models and modern tools of management and develop methods of career progression
  • Develop an integrated vision of human capital management

Graduate degree holders in Psychology, Sociology, Human Resources, management and other scientific areas that develop competencies in the field of Human Potential Management.

Experienced professionals who want to increase their knowledge in areas of Human Potential Management.

Discipline ECTS
1st Semester
Business Strategy 6
Organizational Behavior 6
Management and Performance Evaluation 6
Evaluation Methodologies for Human Potential 6
Organisational Management 6
2nd Semester
Business Ethics 3
Conflict and Negotiation 6
Management and Career Development 6
Strategic Management of Human Resources 6
Research Seminar 6
Data Analysis 3
3rd & 4th Semester
Thesis / Project Advisor or Internship 60


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